
AI and ML Support Services  

Pubrica offers comprehensive AI and ML support services, empowering research endeavors with cutting-edge technological solutions and expert guidance.

Video, Image, Text, Voice, Number Analytics: Programming & Algorithm Development Services 

Annotation and Analytics for Scientific Publication Support

 Pubrica’s team of experienced statisticians and analysts specializes in advanced data analytics and machine learning techniques tailored for medical, life science, and healthcare research. We provide essential support for crafting high-quality scientific research articles by applying cutting-edge AI and ML methods rigorously, ensuring impactful contributions to the scientific community.

Pubrica offers a comprehensive suite of AI and ML services tailored for the life science and medical sectors, leveraging advanced technologies to drive innovation and enhance research outcomes.  

AI and ML Support Services

AI and ML Services for the Life Science and Medical Sectors that we undertake. 

Pubrica offers a broad range of programming and algorithm development services tailored to handle diverse data types such as video, image, text, voice, and numerical data. These services are designed to support researchers and healthcare professionals by enhancing data utilization and analysis through advanced algorithms and models. Our services include: 

  • Annotation and Tagging: Manual and automated tagging of visual data for training machine learning models.
  • Modeling and Algorithm Development: Development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other image recognition algorithms to interpret and analyze medical imaging and video data.
  • Image Analysis and Interpretation: Applying deep learning techniques to medical imaging (such as MRI, CT scans, and X-rays), Pubrica’s services include image segmentation, anomaly detection, and automated interpretation, aiding clinicians in making more accurate and faster diagnoses.
  What tools are used for video and image analytics at Pubrica?

Pubrica utilizes advanced tools like OpenCV for image processing, TensorFlow and PyTorch for developing deep learning models, and specialized software such as MATLAB for algorithm testing and development.

What outcomes does Pubrica seek with video and image analytics?

The primary outcomes include enhanced diagnostic accuracy, improved patient care through better interpretation of medical imaging, and the development of automated systems for disease detection and monitoring.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Services include sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and thematic analysis of clinical notes, research articles, and patient feedback.
  • Algorithm Development: Crafting algorithms for information extraction, summarization, and translation of medical documents to support decision-making processes.
  • Sentiment Analysis in Patient Feedback:Utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to analyze patient feedback and social media data, Pubrica provides insights into patient satisfaction, treatment effectiveness, and service quality, helping healthcare providers improve patient care.
  • What tools are used for text analytics at Pubrica? Tools such as Python’s Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), spaCy for advanced NLP tasks, and IBM Watson for sentiment analysis are commonly used to process and analyze text data.
  • What data sources are used for text analytics at Pubrica?   We use wide range of data sources that includes, The Internet of Things (think FitBit data), Electronic Medical Records/Electronic Health Records (classic), Insurance Providers (claims from private and government payers), Other Clinical Data (including computerized physician order entries, physician notes, medical imaging records, and more), Opt-In Genome and Research Registries, social media (tweets, Facebook comments, etc.) and Web Knowledge (emergency care data, news feeds, and medical journals)
  • What outcomes does Pubrica seek with text analytics? Outcomes include extracting meaningful information from medical texts, improving patient care through insights gained from clinical notes, and enhancing research capabilities through better data interpretation.
  • Voice Recognition and Processing: Implementing speech recognition algorithms to convert voice data to text, useful in-patient interviews and clinical documentation.
  • Sentiment and Emotion Analysis: Analyzing tone and underlying messages in patient communications to better understand their health status and concerns.
  • What tools are used for voice analytics at Pubrica? Pubrica uses tools like Google’s Speech-to-Text for converting speech into text, Kaldi for speech recognition, and emotion detection APIs to analyze vocal nuances.
  • Statistical Modeling and Data Predictions: Utilizing statistical models and machine learning to make predictions based on numerical data, such as patient health metrics or population health tren
  • Formula and Logic Development: Creating algorithms that apply complex mathematical formulas and logics to analyze and interpret large datasets, improving the accuracy of clinical research findings.
  • Disease Prediction and Diagnosis: Utilizing machine learning algorithms to analyze historical health data, Pubrica develops predictive models that can accurately forecast disease onset and assist in early diagnosis, significantly improving patient outcomes.
  • Genomics and Genetic Data Analysis: Leveraging AI to analyze genomic sequences, Pubrica helps in identifying genetic markers linked to diseases, predicting genetic predispositions, and personalizing medicine to enhance treatment efficacy based on individual genetic profiles.
  • Drug Discovery and Development: Using AI models to predict molecular behavior, drug interactions, and treatment outcomes, Pubrica accelerates the drug discovery process by identifying potential candidates more efficiently and with lower initial costs.
  • Clinical Trial Research: Enhancing the design and execution of clinical trials through AI-driven analytics, Pubrica optimizes trial protocols, patient selection, and data collection, ensuring more efficient trial management and more reliable results.
  • Personalized Medicine: Integrating AI with patient data and current medical knowledge, Pubrica creates personalized treatment plans that consider individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle, leading to more effective treatment strategies.
  • Healthcare Workflow Automation: Implementing ML algorithms to automate routine tasks such as patient scheduling, medical record management, and billing processes, Pubrica increases operational efficiency, reducing the administrative burden on healthcare providers.
  • What tools are used for number analytics at Pubrica? Statistical software such as R and Python, with libraries like SciPy for statistical tests and scikit-learn for machine learning, are used to analyze numerical data.
  • What outcomes does Pubrica seek with number analytics? Key outcomes include predictive modeling of disease trends, optimization of healthcare delivery through data-driven insights, and enhanced accuracy in clinical research findings.
  • Cross-Data Insights: Integrating insights from video, image, text, voice, and numerical data to provide a comprehensive analysis.
  • Algorithm Optimization: Enhancing the performance of existing algorithms for greater efficiency and accuracy in real-world applications.
  • Tailored Solutions: Developing custom algorithms and models to meet specific research needs or clinical applications.
  • Implementation and Scaling: Assisting with the implementation of these algorithms in clinical settings and scaling them to handle larger datasets or more complex analyses.
Visual analytics, a crucial component of data science, combats information overload through advanced interactive visual interfaces and insightful data presentations. This process is driven by transformed data and user feedback, facilitating an iterative cycle that refines the visualization. Effective visualizations reveal hidden patterns, differentiate patient groups, identify key factors influencing diseases, and guide further analysis. Our data science experts collaborate with researchers to interpret data visually and meaningfully. Our reporting and visualization services include:
  • Storyboard Creation: Structuring data stories to narrate the progression of findings clearly.
  • Custom Templates and Graphs: Designing tailored visualization templates and graphs that best represent your specific data.
  • Dynamic Charting and Posting: Utilizing advanced charting techniques and posting tabulations for enhanced data presentation.
  • Modifications and Updates: Updating and refining existing data visualizations and graphs to reflect the latest analysis.
  • Comprehensive Presentation Formats: Delivering insights in various formats including PowerPoint, Word, and PDF, suitable for diverse professional settings. <?li>
  • Automated Reporting Tools: Implementing macro-driven tools for efficient and automated charting and reporting.

Our visual analytics services transform complex datasets into intuitive visual formats, making it easier to understand trends, patterns, and outliers at a glance. 

Pubrica ensure that every aspect of data, from collection to analysis, is meticulously managed and utilized to its full potential, fostering innovation and efficiency in medical research and healthcare operations. 

Our Services

Elevate research impact with dynamic Video Abstracts, distilling key findings for broader audience reach.
Graphical Abstracts visually summarize findings for broader audience comprehension.
Simplified Abstracts distill complex findings for broader audience engagement.

Our Services

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Improve your research manuscript’s chances of journal acceptance in first-tier journals with our publication support packs.
















How Do Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Modeling Services & Solutions Work at Pubrica? 

At Pubrica, our Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Modeling Services are structured to deliver precision, adaptability, and innovative solutions tailored for the healthcare, medical, and life science sectors. Here’s how our comprehensive process unfolds, from initial data annotation to the development of sophisticated algorithms, ensuring compliance and delivering actionable insights: 

1. Initial Data Annotation and Preparation:

The process begins with the meticulous annotation of data, which is essential for training machine learning models effectively. Our team handles diverse data types—ranging from images and texts to complex genomic sequences—ensuring they are accurately annotated based on the specific requirements of the project. 

2. Custom Algorithm Development:

With the annotated data prepared, our data scientists and machine learning experts develop custom algorithms tailored to the specific challenges and goals of the project. This includes selecting and adapting existing algorithms or creating novel machine learning models that best fit the data characteristics and project objectives. 

3. Compliance and Ethical Standards:

Throughout the process, we ensure strict compliance with relevant data protection and ethical standards, such as GDPR for data privacy and HIPAA for healthcare information. We also adhere to scientific standards such as FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) to maintain integrity and reliability in data handling and model development. 

4. Model Training and Validation:

The models are trained using the prepared datasets and continuously validated to assess their accuracy and effectiveness. Validation involves rigorous testing against separate validation datasets to avoid overfitting and to ensure the models perform well in real-world scenarios. 

5. Insight Generation and Interpretation:

After validating the models, we use them to generate deep insights which are crucial for decision-making. Our team provides detailed reports and visualizations that interpret the model outputs in a meaningful way, making complex data understandable and actionable. 

6. Deliverables and Implementation Support:

We provide comprehensive deliverables that include the final model, complete documentation of the algorithms, codebases, and an insightful analysis report. Additionally, we offer support for implementing these models into clinical or operational practices, ensuring that they deliver practical value beyond theoretical insights. 

7. Guarantees and Post-Implementation Support:

Pubrica guarantees the quality and accuracy of our AI and machine learning solutions with ongoing post-implementation support to adapt the models as new data becomes available or as project requirements evolve. This ensures sustained performance and relevance of the solutions provided. 

Our Services

health economics

Health Economics

Specialized health economics services for informed decision-making and cost-effectiveness.

Patient journey

Patient journey

Patient journey and insights services to enhance healthcare outcomes and understanding.



Segmentation services for targeted healthcare strategies and improved patient outcomes.

Predictive Anlaysis

Predictive Anlaysis

Advanced predictive analysis services for data-driven insights and informed decision-making.

Algorithm Development

Expert algorithm development services for cutting-edge solutions in healthcare and research.

Interpretation & Visualisation

Interpretation & Visualisation

Interpretation & visualization services for clear, insightful data representation in research.

AI and ML Support Services Sample Work

From accredited online courses to interactive workshops, we provide engaging educational experiences designed to enhance clinical skills and promote lifelong learning in the medical field

Checkout our Sample Work of AI and ML Support Services

data Analysis

Delivery & Pricing 

Unlock unparalleled expertise with Pubrica’s comprehensive services. Experience premium quality at competitive pricing tailored to meet your project needs.

Services Standard
Price Delivery Time
AI and ML Support Services $ 7 Days
Satisfaction Guarantee

Speed up your journey to publication with Pubrica

Gain access to your personal assistant who will expertly guide you through intricate journal submission processes, shielding you from rejection and ensuring a faster path to getting your work published.
Guaranteed Quality
In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we’ll re-work on it till you’re 100% happy.
our commitment to excellence ensures reliable results and impactful outcomes in medical research.
On Time Always
We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours
Pubrica’s punctuality ensures your projects stay on track, meeting deadlines with efficiency and reliability.
Advanced security
We work hard to protect your work and making all our experts and employees honour a strict NDA.
Ensuring utmost data security through advanced encryption and strict protocols, offering peace of mind to all clients.
What our client says About us


I had excellent experience with pubrica’s medical writing services. Their team provided professional and efficient support throughout the manuscript preparation process. Attention to detail and adherence to scientific standards were evident in the final product. The manuscript was well-received by the journal reviewers, and the publication process was smooth, thanks to their expertise.


Pubrica provides content-based collaborative inquiry: a professional development model for sustaining educational reform. The team aims to engage educators in inquiring and constructing their knowledge as they focus on both student understanding in specific content areas and their learning processes. The team is comprised of researchers and industry professionals working together to resolve the most critical issues facing scientific publishing. Thanks, team

What our client says About us


I had excellent experience with pubrica’s medical writing services. Their team provided professional and efficient support throughout the manuscript preparation process. Attention to detail and adherence to scientific standards were evident in the final product. The manuscript was well-received by the journal reviewers, and the publication process was smooth, thanks to their expertise.


Pubrica provides content-based collaborative inquiry: a professional development model for sustaining educational reform. The team aims to engage educators in inquiring and constructing their knowledge as they focus on both student understanding in specific content areas and their learning processes. The team is comprised of researchers and industry professionals working together to resolve the most critical issues facing scientific publishing. Thanks, team

Our Client’s Feedback

Alexandra, PHD Student , Belgium.

Expert Assistance: The data analytics service at Pubrica are so great! They really explain it to you so that you understand it. And they don't just do the work for you, they guide you. It has also improved my data analysis skills soo much since I started using this and I am so much more confident in my work!


Yulia, PHD Student , Munich

Quality delivery: This is the best website i've been to ,that has excellent experts that help you on data analysis. By using Pubrica, I could improve my skills and give you confidence when you have a Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

We are with you the whole nine yards. In this section, we answer the tough questions. For any information, contact us via +91-9884350006 meanwhile, here are some of those queries

We provide a wide variety of services such as Patient journey and Insights – Machine Learning, Customer Segmentation, Predictive analytics, Algorithm and development for training and optimization, Interpretation, Reporting & Visualization and Leadership content and editorial design.
Delivery depends on the order type. Our econometricians have developed different models to address clients’ needs, that includes from simple cost calculation to evaluate the costs of treatments and adverse events to advanced budget impact models to assess the economic implications of cost-utility of the new formulary.
We have Patient-reported outcome (PRO) studies,Quality of life and health utility studies,Retrospective cost-effectiveness and Resource utilization studies. For more about detailed research area plan selection,
To choose the Data analytics & Machine Learning Services, we need clear & precise Domain area. E.g., Medical, Bio-medical, clinical research,Area of interest, Target Country. E.g. the UK, Target State, if any or generalized UK population, Clear Research Proposal – Rough outline, Suggest 2-3 significant references, Feasibility of data collection, University guidelines and also we need following information such as your Qualification, specialization, University, Country, Your experience, possible areas of your interest, Your supervisor capability and university interest, new methodology that is based on related to your Research and area of interest.
Pubrica hires only experienced and certified professionals from European and UK base. All of our medical writers hold Master and PhD degree and have at least five years of writing experience. Each medical writer have their specialization; it helps us to allocate the most appropriate writer according to your discipline. You will get only subject expertise, that’s our assurance, i.e., every order of thesis provide only a relevant research background.
After confirming your order, work will be assigned to Project Associates (PA), who will check the order according to the requirement. The order will, later on, assign to specific subject experts after signing a non-disclosure agreement. She/he will start working on the project as per the agreed deliverables. The order will be delivered after thorough quality check and assurance by the Quality Assurance Department (QAD) and will be given for plagiarism check. After that, you will get the QAD and plagiarism report.
Our work is completely based on your order and requirement. We promise on following guarantees: (1) On-time delivery (2) Plagiarism free and Unique Content (with the acceptability of less than 5-10% plagiarism) (3) Exact match with your requirements (4) Engaging Subject or domain experts for your project. If there is any deviation in the mentioned guarantees, we take 100% responsibility to compensate. However, the quality of work delivered may also get hampered when there is no precise requirement. In that case, you need to take up a fresh order.
We promise on following guarantees: (1) On-time delivery (2) Plagiarism free and Unique Content (with the acceptability of less than 5-10% plagiarism) (3) Exact match with your order requirements (4) Engaging Subject or domain experts for your project. If there is any deviation in the above guarantees, we take 100% responsibility to compensate.
Yes, at Scientific Writing & Publishing Support, our motto is to work hands-on with clients. We guarantee 100% project satisfaction. So we go exceed their expectations. Full-fledged writing services across all domains; moreover, we also provide animation, regulatory writing, medical writing, research, and biostatistical programming services as well. Call us now to get a quote.

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