
Simplified Abstract Services

Pubrica’s Scientific News Report service transforms your manuscript into a press release tailored for media exposure, enhancing your prospects for coverage and manuscript citations.

Simplified Abstract Services at Pubrica 

Pubrica’s Scientific News Report Services offer comprehensive solutions for transforming complex research findings into clear, engaging news reports. Our service is designed to make your scientific discoveries accessible and appealing to a wider audience, including the general public, journalists, and fellow researchers. 

  • Clear and Concise Summaries: We specialize in simplifying scientific content without losing the essence or accuracy of your research. Our abstracts provide a clear overview of your study’s objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in plain language. 
  • Expert Team of Communicators: Our team includes skilled science communicators who are proficient in translating technical research into engaging and straightforward language. This ensures that your simplified abstract is not only accurate but also appealing to a wide audience. 
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Simplified abstracts are an excellent tool for enhancing the accessibility of your research. By breaking down complex ideas and jargon, we help you reach readers who may not have a technical background but are interested in your research area. 
  • Customized for Various Platforms: Whether for conference presentations, journal submissions, or online publication, we tailor your simplified abstract to meet the specific requirements and constraints of different platforms. 
  • Increased Engagement: A well-crafted simplified abstract can significantly increase the engagement and impact of your research. It makes your work more approachable, which can lead to increased readership, citations, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. 

Choose Pubrica’s Simplified Abstract Services to ensure that your research is communicated effectively to a diverse audience. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help make your scientific findings more accessible and impactful. 

Simplified Abstract Services


5 Days


Simplified Abstract Services


5 Days


How does Simplified Abstract Works?


Submit your manuscript via our online portal, in formats such as Word or PDF.


Our internal team will conduct a comprehensive review of your document's content and subject matter.


A content specialist will compile a news report, summarizing key highlights and any innovative aspects of your research.


The Scientific News Report undergoes a final review by a native English language expert before being delivered to you.


Simplified Abstract Sample

Simplified Abstract offers concise summaries tailored to your needs, distilling complex topics into clear, accessible insights. Each summary is crafted to deliver essential information efficiently, perfect for busy professionals seeking streamlined knowledge consumption.

Checkout our Sample Work of Simplified News Report Service

Simplify abstract
Satisfaction Guarantee

Speed up your journey to publication with Pubrica

Gain access to your personal assistant who will expertly guide you through intricate journal submission processes, shielding you from rejection and ensuring a faster path to getting your work published.

3 Reasons why authors choose Pubrica

  • End-to-End  support – Pubrica provides comprehensive assistance throughout the journal submission process, handling everything from manuscript formatting to journal account setup and management.
  • Complimentary cover letter creation – Pubrica provides free cover letter creation to captivate journal editors, emphasizing the significance of your research and aligning it with the journal’s scope. Craft a compelling letter that convinces editors of the relevance of your study.
  • Array of publication support services – Pre-submission Peer Review, all bundled into specialized, cost-effective publication support packs. Access essential services conveniently and save time with our tailored solutions.
What our client says About us


I particularly appreciate the abstract creation services. If the paper is finalised, I am sure that the reviews from the readers will improve my chances of success from pubrica.


The video abstract services from pubrica was quite good, and it included some helpful recommendations for changes before submitting it to one of the suggested journals. I would strongly suggest pubrica's services

What our client says About us


I particularly appreciate the abstract creation services. If the paper is finalised, I am sure that the reviews from the readers will improve my chances of success from pubrica.


The video abstract services from pubrica was quite good, and it included some helpful recommendations for changes before submitting it to one of the suggested journals. I would strongly suggest pubrica's services

Frequently Asked Questions

The decision is entirely yours. Whether your paper is unpublished, submission-ready, accepted by a journal, or already published, you can share it with us. We will customize the news report to align with the stage your research has reached.
Certainly! Upon your approval of the finalized Scientific News Report, we can assist you in uploading it to leading academic PR platforms like EurekAlert! Please note, there will be an additional fee for this service.
If you require adjustments to the news report, we can accommodate minor changes such as language or grammar refinements, or specific edits as per your preference. However, significant content revisions will not be feasible once the document has been delivered to you.

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