
Research Impact

Format your manuscript to conform to a Journal Formatting guidelines.

Research Impact Services

We offer several value-added Research Publication Support Solutions which enable Researchers to Publish their Manuscript in International English Journals.

  • Comprehensive Formatting Review: Our experts meticulously review your manuscript to align with the formatting requirements of your targeted journal. This includes a thorough check of references, lists, tables, graphics, and images to ensure each element meets publication standards. 
  • Expertise in Citation Styles: With proficiency in various citation styles including Harvard, APA, MLA, and Chicago, our experienced editors guarantee that your manuscript complies with the necessary academic conventions and style guides. 
  • Adherence to Journal Guidelines: We pay close attention to the journal’s “instructions to authors” to ensure every detail, from font size to heading style, is perfectly matched to the journal’s specifications. 
  • Error Elimination: By weeding out formatting errors and inconsistencies, we enhance the readability and professionalism of your paper, improving its chance of acceptance. 
  • Tailored Formatting Solutions: Whether you are preparing to submit a research paper, dissertation, or article, our formatting services are customized to meet the unique needs of your document. 

Choose Pubrica’s Manuscript Formatting Services to give your manuscript a polished, professional look that aligns with journal guidelines and maximizes its potential for successful publication. Contact us today to ensure your manuscript is formatted correctly and ready for submission. 

research impact

Our Services

Video Abstract

Video Abstract

Engaging video abstract services to communicate your research effectively.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract

Clear and impactful graphical abstract services for your research publications.

Poster Presentation

Dynamic poster presentation services to showcase your research effectively.

Scientific News Report

Scientific News Report

Expert scientific news report services for comprehensive and insightful coverage.

Simplified Abstract

Simplified Abstract

Simplified abstract services to enhance accessibility and understanding of your research.

Services we offer

Elevate research impact with dynamic Video Abstracts, distilling key findings for broader audience reach.
Graphical Abstracts visually summarize findings for broader audience comprehension.
Simplified Abstracts distill complex findings for broader audience engagement.

Scientific News Reports communicate findings succinctly for broader audience engagement.
Elevate research impact with dynamic Video Abstracts, distilling key findings for broader audience reach.
graphical abstract
Scientific News Reports communicate findings succinctly for broader audience engagement.
research impact
Simplified Abstracts distill complex findings for broader audience engagement.
Satisfaction Guarantee

Speed up your journey to publication with Pubrica

Gain access to your personal assistant who will expertly guide you through intricate journal submission processes, shielding you from rejection and ensuring a faster path to getting your work published.
Guaranteed Quality
In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we’ll re-work on it till you’re 100% happy.
our commitment to excellence ensures reliable results and impactful outcomes in medical research.
On Time Always
We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours
Pubrica’s punctuality ensures your projects stay on track, meeting deadlines with efficiency and reliability.
Advanced security
We work hard to protect your work and making all our experts and employees honour a strict NDA.
Ensuring utmost data security through advanced encryption and strict protocols, offering peace of mind to all clients.
What our client says About us


I am extremely grateful for my expert's research work on my dissertation. He patiently answered all of my questions and fulfilled all of my requirements. I can only order from phdassistance service from now on. Thank you, expert


I was blown away by pubrica's artwork services. It gave me a lot of ideas for enhancing my paper all in one place. Another thing I liked about it was that it was written in plain english, so I could understand it and make most of the suggested improvements

What our client says About us


I am extremely grateful for my expert's research work on my dissertation. He patiently answered all of my questions and fulfilled all of my requirements. I can only order from phdassistance service from now on. Thank you, expert


I was blown away by pubrica's artwork services. It gave me a lot of ideas for enhancing my paper all in one place. Another thing I liked about it was that it was written in plain english, so I could understand it and make most of the suggested improvements

Frequently Asked Questions

We are with you the whole nine yards. In this section, we answer the tough questions. For any further information, contact us. Meanwhile, here are some common queries

The publication is mainly governed by the study novelty and is a collective decision based on the journal editor. We are unable to guarantee publication. However, we will help you improve your chances of publishing through our packages – Pro, Elite, and Advance Package.

If you’re sure of your workbut have no time to select the journals, edit , and format according to the journal guidelines, then we recommend the ‘Advanced’ package. In Advanced Package, we do not offer resubmission support if the paper gets rejected. Besides, the artwork will not be created in this package. If you need both these services as part of the package, then you can go for the ‘Elite‘ Package. If you think that your paper needs rapid pre-submission peer review services, you can go for the PRO package. However, improvisation of peer review comments will be a custom package.

An article gets rejected due to varied reasons such as plagiarism, or currently under review at another journal, or maybe the manuscript is not complete, the English may not be appropriate, the figures are not complete, or not clear enough, or finally, articles may not conform to the journal guidelines. Given these above factors, you need to share with us the reason for rejection,for us to take necessary action. Further to assist in resubmitting, you can opt for PRO packages where our experts will review and your scrutinize your article and provide appropriate suggestions for improvisation.


Pubrica’s Publication Support will propose alternative journals and increase your manuscript’s reliability to satisfy the Journal’s requirements. However, we cannot guarantee publication in any journal. Our services will assist you in determining the risk of your manuscript being accepted by an appropriate journal.

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