
Medico Legal Support Services

Pubrica offers comprehensive Medico Legal Support Services, providing expert analysis and consultation to ensure accurate and ethical resolution of medical-legal matters. From case reviews to expert witness testimony, we deliver reliable guidance for legal proceedings in the healthcare domain.

Expert Medico-Legal Services for Medical Negligence Cases

Evidence-Based Legal Analysis and Representation to Uphold Patient Rights
Pubrica’s team of skilled medical expertise and law experts specializes in providing a deep understanding of medical negligence /malpractice or patients contesting insurance coverage decision cases. Team has capability to determine if there has been medical negligence in the treatment to the patients. Specially, the healthcare provider owed a duty of care to the patient, there was a breach of that duty by the healthcare provider, the patient incurred damages as a result of that breach. If you or someone you know has suffered due to medical negligence, we offer expert legal guidance and representation. Our goal is to secure just compensation and hold accountable those responsible for their actions.

Our Focused Medical Legal Services that we undertake.

An Evidence-Based Medicine Approach for Medicolegal Services by Pubrica Medical Experts
In medico-legal cases, a doctor’s role encompasses clinical examination of patients and validation of investigations initiated by law enforcement. These investigations are crucial for determining the circumstances and assigning legal responsibility for injuries or illnesses. Cases might range from non-adherence to evidence-based practices and surgical errors to child abuse, domestic violence, road and industrial accidents, evidence tampering, electrical and chemical injuries, burns, sexual offenses, criminal abortions, custodial deaths, and drug overdoses. Our medico-legal experts at Pubrica diligently work to uncover the facts by providing evidence-based support to strengthen your case in all these areas. Through meticulous analysis and expert consultations, we ensure that every piece of evidence is thoroughly examined and presented effectively, enhancing the likelihood of a favourable outcome in court.
How it works

Engage in a detailed discussion to understand the intricacies of the case, gathering pertinent information and establishing client goals to tailor our approach effectively.


Conduct a thorough analysis of medical records, pertinent documentation, and relevant evidence to provide insightful insights and identify key points for legal strategy.


Utilize our extensive network of seasoned medical professionals to identify suitable expert witnesses whose testimony aligns with the case requirements and enhances legal proceedings.


Offer meticulous documentation assistance, including report preparation and review, ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal standards, to bolster the client's position effectively.


Medico Legal Service Sample Work

Our team provides thorough medical analysis, expert witness testimony, and litigation support to ensure fair resolution and justice in legal matters involving healthcare.

Check Our Sample work of Medico Legal Service

Medico Legal Services
We Advocate for Justice on Both Sides
Thesis Editing
Medical Negligence:
Negligence occurs when a duty is breached due to failing to act as a reasonable person would under customary conditions, or by acting in a way that a prudent person would not. Actionable negligence involves failing to exercise the standard of care or skill owed to someone, resulting in injury to the individual concerned.

  • Recently, there has been a notable rise in the awareness of individuals regarding their rights as patients. This surge in awareness is largely attributed to the escalating costs of diagnostic procedures like CT scans and MRI tests, as well as the expensive treatments for serious conditions like cancer and heart diseases. Such financial burdens have underscored instances where patients or their relatives find the outcomes of treatments unacceptable, often due to perceived deviations from standard care or a lack of effective communication with the patient and their family. As a result, the frequency of claims for medical malpractice compensation is increasing.
  • The current landscape is reflected in specific medical cases highlighting patients seeking redress for harm due to doctor negligence, including issues like breaches of confidentiality within the doctor-patient relationship and cases of improper consent.
  • In instances of medical negligence, the responsibility falls on the doctor for certain malpractices. Legal claims related to medical negligence may result in either criminal or civil consequences or both. In India, not all instances of wrongful diagnosis or dubious negligence are captured.
  • Criminal liability can be imposed on medical practitioners in severe instances of negligence, such as cases where a patient’s death results from actions a competent doctor would not consider. Additionally, liability may arise from actions that suggest malicious intent. To secure a conviction under criminal law, it must be proven that the medical professional engaged in or neglected an act that would be regarded by their peers as imprudent or lacking in ordinary care, leading to imminent injury.
Medical Legal Disputes in Civil Cases
We delve into civil matters involving medical negligence, striving for just outcomes. Our services are dedicated to determining the validity of medical malpractice claims and upholding the legal standards of medical care.
Promoting Understanding of Medical Malpractice
Our team of medico-legal professionals prepares well-crafted responses to claims, advocating in court for doctors or hospitals when no malpractice has occurred, ensuring fair treatment under the law.
Support in Medical Malpractice Litigation
Not limited to representing patients, we stand with the just party, whether it's a healthcare professional accused unjustly or a patient wronged by medical oversight. Our legal support spans various scenarios including improper surgeries, abuse cases, accidents, and more, ensuring both parties receive fair representation.
Addressing Criminal Allegations in Medicine
We offer specialized legal support in criminal medical negligence cases. Our expertise in assembling defenses is key when facing accusations of substandard medical care. Our medico-legal lawyers, particularly in Delhi, are well-equipped to handle such sensitive matters.
Strategic Legal Counsel for Healthcare Professionals
Our legal expertise extends to guiding healthcare professionals through malpractice allegations, with a focus on delivering favorable outcomes. Should insurance issues arise, we also provide legal counsel to advocate for healthcare providers.
Hospital Malpractice Law
This niche practice area is our firm's forte, addressing medical negligence by our clients. We bring extensive legal prowess in crafting defenses for cases where there's an alleged breach of duty of care. Legal notice seeking compensation against wrongful diagnosis, and medical diagnosis and medical negligence is drafted by our medico-legal team. Our focus is on achieving compensation and justice for patients and their relatively affected by medical patients, and their relatives affected by medical negligence.
Medical Legal Services that we undertake.
An Evidence-Based Medicine Approach for Medicolegal Services by Pubrica Medical Experts
Experts are required in every discipline to examine the cases in which they specialise. In the same way that experts are required to support the evidence and to study the facts accurately in criminal trials, medical evidence also has to support the accuracy and justification of its claims.
Case Screening
We possess deep knowledge of legal complexities and assist clients in identifying and concluding cases efficiently. Our strength lies in quickly evaluating the viability of a claim and determining its potential for success.
Medical Records Screening
This service involves assessing the merit of a case and deviations from standard care. We provide detailed attention to each case, with a thoughtful, written report expressing medical expert opinions based upon extensive and systematic review of all the case information and medical record provided to use. Thus, supporting our clients with affidavits and reports to substantiate case merit.
Medical Record Review
We aid in interpreting abbreviations, deciphering illegible handwriting, and addressing other issues, culminating in a comprehensive report. Our experts excel in identifying missing, incomplete, or altered medical records.
Medical Expert Consultancy and Opinion
Our consultancy and opinion services help clients revalidate data and conclusions from scientific inquiries. Our experts methodically re-examine medical evidence to reconstruct the narrative.
Medical Research
Our experts conduct extensive medical research to help resolve medico-legal cases. Each condition or injury is thoroughly examined from multiple perspectives to ensure accurate representation of the truth.
Preparation of Medical Records Summary
We specialize in creating detailed medical summaries for injury claims, detailing the nature of the injury, past medical history, and its impact. Our summaries utilize in-depth knowledge of diagnosis, treatment procedures, medical terminology, and other healthcare facets.
Identification and Application of Standard Protocol
We assist legal teams in determining whether the standard of care was appropriately applied to a case. We identify any substandard care and suggest alternative practices that should have been followed.
Legal Research
Medico-legal cases often depend on historical medical cases and judicial decisions. Our team has extensive experience in conducting legal research to strengthen arguments and substantiate facts in court.
Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses of a Case
We analyze and expose the strengths and weaknesses of each medico-legal case, aiding legal teams in understanding all aspects of a case and strategizing its presentation in court.
Preparing Case Strategy
Given the complexities of medical terminology and procedures, we help legal experts construct a solid case strategy by highlighting the strongest points.
Comprehensive Drafting
Merging medical understanding with legal presentation poses challenges. Our expertise in drafting ensures that the summary bridges this gap effectively, making complex medical cases comprehensible and legally compelling.

Delivery & Pricing 

Unlock unparalleled expertise with Pubrica’s comprehensive services. Experience premium quality at competitive pricing tailored to meet your project needs.

Services Standard
Price Delivery Time
Medico Legal Support Services $ 7 Days

Medico Legal Support Services

“Pubrica’s Medico Legal Support Services encompass a spectrum of offerings including thorough case evaluations, expert witness testimony, and meticulous documentation assistance, ensuring precise and ethical resolution of medical-legal issues with unparalleled expertise and dedication.”
Guaranteed Quality
In the rare case our work fails to delight you, we’ll re-work on it till you’re 100% happy.
our commitment to excellence ensures reliable results and impactful outcomes in medical research.
On Time Always
We always help you meet your deadlines, often, by turning around work in just 8 hours
Pubrica’s punctuality ensures your projects stay on track, meeting deadlines with efficiency and reliability.
Advanced security
We work hard to protect your work and making all our experts and employees honour a strict NDA.
Ensuring utmost data security through advanced encryption and strict protocols, offering peace of mind to all clients.
What our client says About us


We got great assistance during our medical device approval process. The team was experienced in every part of the regulatory approval process. I indeed recommend pubrica scientific writing & publishing for anyone dealing with regulatory authorities. Hiring the team at scientific writing & publishing was the best decision my company made


I approached pubrica for scientific research writing and research services for physicians. The team has a talent panel encompassing diverse biomedical researchers and proficient writers with years of experience in medical manuscript and research paper writing services to put your research ideas on the right track. The team provides comprehensive scientific research writing and editing. Thanks, team

What our client says About us


We got great assistance during our medical device approval process. The team was experienced in every part of the regulatory approval process. I indeed recommend pubrica scientific writing & publishing for anyone dealing with regulatory authorities. Hiring the team at scientific writing & publishing was the best decision my company made


I approached pubrica for scientific research writing and research services for physicians. The team has a talent panel encompassing diverse biomedical researchers and proficient writers with years of experience in medical manuscript and research paper writing services to put your research ideas on the right track. The team provides comprehensive scientific research writing and editing. Thanks, team

Frequently Asked Questions

We are with you the whole nine yards. In this section, we answer the tough questions. For any further information, contact us. Meanwhile, here are some common queries

The publication is mainly governed by the study novelty and is a collective decision based on the journal editor. We are unable to guarantee publication. However, we will help you improve your chances of publishing through our packages – Pro, Elite, and Advance Package.

If you’re sure of your workbut have no time to select the journals, edit , and format according to the journal guidelines, then we recommend the ‘Advanced’ package. In Advanced Package, we do not offer resubmission support if the paper gets rejected. Besides, the artwork will not be created in this package. If you need both these services as part of the package, then you can go for the ‘Elite‘ Package. If you think that your paper needs rapid pre-submission peer review services, you can go for the PRO package. However, improvisation of peer review comments will be a custom package.

An article gets rejected due to varied reasons such as plagiarism, or currently under review at another journal, or maybe the manuscript is not complete, the English may not be appropriate, the figures are not complete, or not clear enough, or finally, articles may not conform to the journal guidelines. Given these above factors, you need to share with us the reason for rejection,for us to take necessary action. Further to assist in resubmitting, you can opt for PRO packages where our experts will review and your scrutinize your article and provide appropriate suggestions for improvisation.


Pubrica’s Publication Support will propose alternative journals and increase your manuscript’s reliability to satisfy the Journal’s requirements. However, we cannot guarantee publication in any journal. Our services will assist you in determining the risk of your manuscript being accepted by an appropriate journal.

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