Ethical Principles Governing Pubrica

At Pubrica, ethical practices are the cornerstone of our operations, spanning both our business and research domains. We steadfastly uphold ethical standards, safeguarding personal and professional integrity in all our services. Through stringent policies against unethical conduct, we are fervently committed to educating and championing ethical norms in research.

Language Editing:

PUBRICA commits toPUBRICA will not
Conducting comprehensive language editing encompassing grammar, spelling, phrasing, diction, and articles.Edit or revise any section of the paper.
Identifying inconsistencies and providing specialized expertise in the relevant field.Undertake content review, address plagiarism, or interpret data.
Offering recommendations for unclear sentences/grammar and adjusting spacing.Manipulate the paper’s structure or word count.
 Engage in journal-specific copy editing or draw conclusions from data.

Submit papers or assert authorship on behalf of clients. Transparency regarding authorship is crucial. Services that conceal their involvement in writing or rewriting papers are deemed unethical and could jeopardize the paper’s credibility and your reputation. PUBRICA’s editors, focusing solely on language editing, do not qualify for authorship status as outlined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). However, acknowledging PUBRICA’s editing assistance in the acknowledgments section of your paper is encouraged.

Translation Services:

PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Preserve the intended meaning of the author.Write or contribute content to the paper.
Review field-specific terminology for accuracy and clarityUndertake content review, address plagiarism, or interpret data.
Ensure overall coherence while emphasizing grammar and phrasing.Restructure the paper or manipulate word count.
Address unclear sentences or termsAssert authorship or submit papers on behalf of clients.
 Accept manuscripts in draft form.
 Implement journal-specific copy editing

Figures and Illustration Services:

PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Align figures with journal guidelines by adjusting file types, resolution, color space, font, scale, line weights, and layout.Modify brightness, contrast, or color balance of images.
Collaborate with authors to craft original artwork or animations based on paper data or models.Crop images or convert primary data into vector form.
 Increase picture resolution.


PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Format manuscript layout, citations, and references in line with journal guidelines.Add missing references or citations.
Rearrange citations and references as necessary.Format ambiguous references.
Rectify inaccuracies in references based on published databases.Complete documents such as authorship or conflict of interest forms.
Identify uncited references or missing citations within the text. 

Data Analyses:

PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Analyse data based on the agreed Statistical Analyses Plan (SAP).No Additional Analyses beyond the SAP agreement
Formatting the Tables and Figures as per the Manuscript guidelinesFormat ambiguous references.
Rectify inaccuracies in references based on published databases.Complete documents such as authorship or conflict of interest forms.
Identify uncited references or missing citations within the text. 

Data Extraction:

PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Customized Data Extraction: Tailor data extraction according to the agreed tables and variables, aligned with the specific objectives and outcomes of your project.Data Extraction Beyond Agreed Parameters: Avoid extracting data that falls outside the agreed-upon tables and variables, as this could lead to scope creep and data irrelevancy.
Following, the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use has provided the E9 guidelines (ICH E9)Ignore Guidelines and Standards: Refrain from deviating from the established guidelines and standards, particularly those set by ICH E9, to ensure the integrity and credibility of the data extraction process.
Compliance with ICH E9 Guidelines: Adhere to the standards set by the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, particularly the E9 guidelines.perate Without Collaboration: Avoid working in isolation without input or collaboration from the authors, as their insights are crucial for aligning the extraction process with the project’s objectives.
Collaborate with Authors: Work closely with authors to align the project’s objectives with the appropriate statistical tests, ensuring the data’s relevance and accuracy. 
Document Completion: Assist in filling out essential documents, such as authorship declarations and conflict of interest forms, to maintain transparency and ethical standards. 

Data Collection:

PUBRICA willPUBRICA will not
Tailored Data Collection: Conduct data collection strictly in accordance with the agreed-upon questionnaire, performance table, and variables, ensuring alignment with the project’s objectives and outcomes.Deviating from Agreed Methods: Avoid collecting data that is not in accordance with the pre-agreed questionnaire, performance table, or variables, to prevent misalignment with the project goals.
Adaptation for Additional Objectives: Efficiently accommodate any additional objectives that may arise during the project, along with their corresponding variables, to ensure comprehensive data analysis.Ignoring Ethical Standards: Refrain from any practices that compromise ethical standards, ensuring all data collection is conducted responsibly and ethically.
Pilot Study for Surveys: If the project involves surveys, PUBRICA will conduct a pilot study to refine the survey methodology, in line with ethical clearance and best practices.Operate Independently of Author Input: Avoid making unilateral decisions without the involvement and collaboration of the authors, as their guidance is crucial for aligning the data collection with the project’s objectives.
Ethical Clearance Compliance: Adhere to all ethical standards and guidelines, ensuring that the data collection process is conducted with integrity and respect for participants. 
Collaboration with Authors: Work closely with authors to ensure that the data collection methods align with the project’s objectives and the chosen statistical tests. 
Documentation Assistance: Help in completing necessary documents like authorship declarations or conflict of interest forms, to maintain transparency and ethical compliance.Â