What are the limitations of case studies?
Case studies are in-depth analyses of a particular person, group, circumstance, or civilization. Data is frequently obtained from several sources and in various methods (e.g. observations & interviews). The patient’s medical history or personal case study is where the case study research methodology started, and case studies frequently look into one person in their investigations.
The content is mostly biographical and pertains to noteworthy events in the person’s past (i.e., retrospective) and current events in their day-to-day lives. The case study is not a research method in and of itself; rather, researchers select methods for data collection and analysis that will result in case study-worthy data.

Limitations of Case Studies
- There is insufficient scientific rigour and no basis for extending findings to a broader population.
- The researchers could inject their personal opinions into the case study (researcher bias).
- It is challenging to repeat.
- It’s expensive and time-consuming.
- The amount of analysis done with the instruments was constrained by the data and the time limits imposed.
It is hard to determine whether a case study represents a larger body of “similar” events because it only examines one individual, event, or group. As a result, the findings drawn in one instance might not apply in another. Since case studies are based on qualitative (descriptive) data, the psychologist’s interpretation is essential.
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