August 28, 2020

A checklist for increased quality in writing biomedical research articles for doctoral students

Brief: Biomedical research is fundamental to the evolution of medical therapies. The outstanding changeover from basic research to clinical trials is required in biomedical research. The author […]
August 27, 2020

What are the reporting guidelines to be followed while writing a biomedical literature review for a manuscript?

Brief: In short, a manuscript literature review provides a critical assessment of the sources (literature) you have gathered and read surrounding your subject area and then […]
August 7, 2020

Advancement in block chain technology for data sharing in biomedical research – the key factors in writing a literature review

Blockchain is the system of recording information in such a way that makes it impossible or difficult to either change, hack or cheat the system. It […]
July 29, 2020

List the five mistakes that may happen while writing an effective literature review for biomedical research dissertation

Brief: A literature review is essential in dissertation writing to understand the current state of the subject area and the need for further study. There are […]