The murky side of publishing
November 2, 2018
Role of Ethics in Research
November 2, 201810 ways to seek free journal rankings
Acquaint yourself with various journal metrics.https://www.scimagojr.com/
It is pivotal for scientific researchers to showcase their research work in high-impact factor (IF) and top-grade peer-reviewed publications. A one-stop shop to obtain detailed information on journal rankings is The SCImago Journal and Country Rank webpage developed using Google PageRank™ algorithm. Retrieves info for various criteria from the database of Scopus; in addition, it is free of charge, easily available, publicly accessible, and ensures that seeking and learning journal rankings is simple. In this article, Pubrica experts give you tips on how to search and select specific journals for your project. It’s free.
- Visit www.scimagojr.com/ for unpaid rankings of journals.
- Categorically compare and contrast in addition to subjects.
- Use Scopus® database to fetch data.
- In your webpage/blogs, embed the metrics of the pertinent journal.
- Sort search options by adding or removing open access (OA) journals.
- Fetch various journals’ details on h-indices and SJRS (SCImago Journal Rankings).
- Download for future use or review.
- Analyze the data of various journals based on your publishing requirements.
Don’t be baffled by the various rankings of different journals; moreover, get on the web and gain access to these publications for free.