ECLIPSe Framework 

ECLIPSe (Constraint Logic Programming System) is a software development framework for building optimization, modelling, and scheduling applications. It is an open-source programming system that provides a powerful programming language for constraint logic programming. 

The ECLIPSe system is designed to solve complex problems by expressing them as constraint logic programs. It provides a range of solvers that can be used to find solutions to these problems, including integer programming, linear programming, and constraint programming. ECLIPSe also includes tools for modelling and analyzing problems and visualization tools for understanding and debugging solutions. 

Subject Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria 
Expectation The discharge policy must contain specific elements that could be used to guide discharge from acute care areas.  
Client group Adults being discharged from acute areas with specific points relevant to acute medicine units.  
Location From the acute hospital, acute medicine units  
Impact Clear process stated, implemented, parity and assessment detail provided 
Professionals Nurses and doctors, predominantly Also, all other professionals contributing to the process of discharge from acute  
Service Acute admissions: acute medicine, emergency Dare  Transitions between care settings  
Evaluation Examples of best practice within policy Evidence (service data) 

The ECLIPSe framework is used in various domains, including scheduling, planning, logistics, and resource allocation. It has been used to solve a wide range of real-world problems, including airline crew scheduling, hospital resource allocation, and vehicle routing. 

ECLIPSe is a powerful and flexible framework for building optimization and scheduling applications. The constraint logic programming language and range of solvers make it well-suited to solving complex problems in various domains. 


Xia, Yan, Anthony Tung Shuen Ho, and YuCheng Zhang. “Cimo-component integration model.” Proceedings Seventh Asia-Pacific Software Engeering Conference. APSEC 2000. IEEE, 2000.