November 25, 2020

An overview of Evidence-based medicine vs precision medicine in comparison with their limitations

In-Brief: Introduction: Evidence-based medicine is widely promoted for decision-making in health care and is associated with improved patient outcomes. Critics have suggested that evidence-based medicine focuses […]
November 13, 2020

What is big data? Discuss the interpretation of artificial intelligence/ machine learning in big data analytics?

In-Brief Over a decade, the “Big data” showcases the rapid increase in variety and volumeof information, particularly in medical research. As scientists, rapidly generate, store and […]
November 13, 2020

List out the challenges of machine learning/ artificial intelligence for delivering clinical impact

In-Brief Introduction A rapidly increasing number of academic research studies have demonstrated the various applications of AI in healthcare, including algorithms for interpreting chest radiographs detecting […]
November 9, 2020

A systematic review of network analyst- a web based bioinformatics tool for integrative visualization of expression data

In-Brief In a Systematic Review Writing, the network analyst is a bioinformatics tool designed to perform efficient PPI network analysis for data generated from gene expression […]
November 5, 2020

An overview of fixed effects assumptions for meta-analysis

In-Brief: Introduction In statistical analysis, a fixed-effects model is a statistical model in which the model parameters are fixed quantities. It is in opposite to random-effects modelsin which all or some of the model […]
October 26, 2020

Case Studies in medical education: a platform for training medical students, scientific writing and critical thinking

In-Brief From providing a strong foundation for manuscripts to supporting many educational students research, scientific research writing case report helps to elaborate the narration about a […]