In-Brief: Systematic literature (Qualitative, non-meta-analysis) review writing is a protocol-driven process that demands researchers to extract, analyse and present an exhaustive summary of the latest yet apt literature for […]
In Brief Biotechnological advancements in medical devices can intensify risks and introduce new types of risk, despite their potential to greatly benefit health. Therapeutic products control […]
Introduction Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is the promising practice that interlinks the information collected after clinical expertise and proven research studies, so that, vital information […]
Introduction Effect size is a statistical idea that helps measure the strength and connection between two variables on a numeric scale. It simply refers to the […]
In brief For various illnesses, such as asthma, heart failure, and diabetes, evidence-based health care approaches are accessible. Patient safety research has traditionally focused on data […]
Introduction A case-control study is used to see if exposure is linked to a certain result (i.e., disease or condition of interest). Case-control research is always […]
Introduction Meta-analysis is a type of statistical approach which synthesizes results from different studies and the final result serves as a much stronger evidence than the […]
In brief The research’s rationale describes why the study was undertaken (in a thesis or article) or why the study should be accompanied (in a proposal). […]
In Brief Systematic reviews have studied rather than reports as the unit of interest. So, multiple reports of the same study need to be identified and […]