November 13, 2020

List out the challenges of machine learning/ artificial intelligence for delivering clinical impact

In-Brief Introduction A rapidly increasing number of academic research studies have demonstrated the various applications of AI in healthcare, including algorithms for interpreting chest radiographs detecting […]
November 13, 2020

What is big data? Discuss the interpretation of artificial intelligence/ machine learning in big data analytics?

In-Brief Over a decade, the “Big data” showcases the rapid increase in variety and volumeof information, particularly in medical research. As scientists, rapidly generate, store and […]
November 25, 2020

An overview of Evidence-based medicine vs precision medicine in comparison with their limitations

In-Brief: Introduction: Evidence-based medicine is widely promoted for decision-making in health care and is associated with improved patient outcomes. Critics have suggested that evidence-based medicine focuses […]
November 25, 2020

What are the existing challenges in the medical data collection processes?

In-Brief: Introduction to Data Collection: A Messy Problem: Electronic health records capture and manage the information collected during patient consultations. Personal health records and claims, patient […]
November 30, 2020

Deep learning over machine learning: Mention the challenges and difficulties in the medical imaging process and research issues

Brief: The medical sector is different from other business industries. It is on high priority sector, and people expect the highest level of care and services […]
December 2, 2020

How is machine learning significant to computational pathology in the Pharmaceutical industries?

Brief: Plentiful amassing of advanced histopathological pictures has prompted the expanded interest for their examination; for example, PC supported determination utilizing AI procedures. Nonetheless, computerized neurotic […]
December 15, 2020

What are the Impacts and limitations of technology in healthcare industries?

Brief: Introduction: For quite a long time, programming engineers planned medical care advances for utilizing just on terminal screens and workstations. What those designers didn’t ultimately […]

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