Regular proper documentation of surgical cases promotes medical knowledge development while enhancing patient care quality. The Surgical Case Report (SCARE) standards introduced their format for surgical case report documentation in 2016 [1]. As surgical methods evolve, it becomes increasingly necessary to update medical guidelines.
Reference List Accuracy in Scholarly Writing : Common Errors and Best Practices
Many researchers find the peer review process stressful, and anxiety ridden. Response to reviewer should be considered crucial in the manuscript review process with clear communication. It should be considered as an opportunity for thorough manuscript evaluation to improve the quality of manuscripts and their overall contribution to their respective fields [1]. With the right strategies in place, the entire journey of scientific publishing can become fruitful and prove to be a positive learning curve for any researcher.
Knowing the potential decisions that can be declared after a peer review process, which can help researchers be better prepared.
Accepted without revision
The submission has been reviewed and accepted for publication with no changes required.
Accepted with minor revisions
Minor changes are recommended before officially accepting the manuscript for publication.
Example: A manuscript on “Study of ashwagandha on sleep improvement” is accepted with the need to update the reference from 2024
Accepted with major revision
Major changes are recommended in the manuscript before being accepted for publication.
Example: A study on “Efficacy of nutrition on cognitive impairment” is accepted with the inclusion of additional data supporting nutritional efficacy on cognitive function
Reject and resubmit
The author can respond to and resolve the reviewer’s comments despite the rejection of the initially submitted manuscript
Example: The study “efficacy of collagen on skin aging” is rejected due to the missing data for control group. The missing data needed to be resubmitted for approval.
This is the final decision by the editor.
Experienced journal editors advise researchers to invest time and resources and seek expert help to ensure that a high-quality academic journal submission, adhering to all guidelines, is prepared for publication. Expert assistance from academic writers and researchers can help the author gain a fresh perspective on the comments and questions, leading to an improved response [3].
Authors should categorize the comments received peer review process into two categories: major or minor. Major comments may involve changes in the study’s methodology, results, or conclusions. In contrast, minor comments may reflect changes in grammar, adding or removing references, tables or figures, unclear information or sentences, etc. Major comments should be considered critical and given priority over minor ones while forming a response [4].
Major comments- The method section does not specify the inclusion criteria which is crucial to know how the subjects are included in the study. Please include the inclusion criteria.
Minor comments- The abstract of the manuscript is very complex and not clear. The abstracts need to be clear and concise.
Strategically planning your responses to the reviewer’s comments will help your manuscript stay organized throughout the process and ensure you do not miss addressing any comment. Here are some pointers for efficiently drafting responses in the peer review process [4], [5]:
If a comment from a reviewer seems unreasonable or against the integrity of the research, the author has a right to disagree politely and explain their perspective. Although more than one refusal for changes may lead to rejection of the manuscript, a proper acknowledgment and justification may help put the author’s point forward. Moreover, the author can appeal to the editor in accordance with the journal’s guidelines [4].
If a reviewer states a correction that affect established theories in your topic, we can respond:
“We value the reviewer’s suggestion. But, based upon the studies [reference], our method matches with the established procedure in this field. so, we strongly believe maintaining this procedure is scientifically valid”.
A well-laid-out manuscript with clearly highlighted revisions and responses makes it easier for reviewers to follow, leading to lower chances of misinterpretations and a higher probability of acceptance. Here are some great ways to prepare a well-presented file for submission [4], [6] :
Reviewer comment- The data interpretation is not clear and very complex in the conclusion section to draw outcome.
Author response– We have simplified the data interpretation and adequately added information to draw conclusions.
Manuscript– Refer to conclusion where we made the changes.
Example for response to reviewer:
“Thank you for the valid feedback. We have carefully considered your feedback and made the mandatory revisions. key changes:
While the peer review process is one of the difficult stages of a research publication journey, it could also be the most enlightening one. Professional academic writing services can hand-hold the authors throughout the process, facilitating submissions of top-quality research papers with a higher chance of acceptance. For authors, it is crucial to maintain a positive and systematic approach towards the feedback received from reviewers. It is also important to remember that editors, reviewers, and authors are a part of a collaborative system to put out authentic and impactful scientific research.