Importance of Ethical Codes & Considerations in Research of Conduct for Researchers
November 12, 2019
November 14, 2019“We shape our tools, and thereafter, our tools shape us.” ― Marshall McLuhan
Selecting the right journal to publish scholarly research papers is as vital as the research work for authors. It is because only the right journal serves the ultimate purpose of it reaching the target audience. Only then the hard work of research will get its due credit and used by other researchers. With technology development, the selection of journals is made easy with different tools.

Like a search in a database for references, the journal search tools require the author to provide keyword or abstract. It will enable it to identify potential journal titles. Publishers and organizations create many of these tools. The journal metrics of these tools enable the authors to identify the highly ranked reputed journals to submit their research papers. If there are no journal metrics in the journal finding tool, use Scopus or Journal Citation Reports databases to identify the highly ranked journals.
How to use a journal finding tool to identify the merits of journals?
Enter the research paper’s keywords, title, and abstract in the search engine of the journal finding tool. Based on the manuscript, it will suggest three curated journals appropriate to it.
Before submitting the research paper to one of the suggestions of the journal finder, it is pertinent to check
- Review the Overview and Aims & Scope of the journal to check its match with the research papers
- Read the ”Instructions to authors’ to recheck whether the research paper is written as per the instructions to avoid rejection

- Read articles in the journal to find out whether it matches the scope of the research paper and also for the editors’ preferences
- Check the ”Author Compliance Tool’ of the journal finder to meet institution or funder requirements
Few best journal finding tools include:
Edantz Journal Selector:
Edanz is an editing service but also provides journal selection from among 28,554 journals and 12,010,643 abstracts. It uses the cutting-edge semantic technology which can refine the results based on publication frequency and impact factor or publishing model for even open access journals.
Elsevier Journal Finder:
Elsevier Journal Finder using smart search technology and field of research specific vocabularies to match the input with the Elsevier journals to publish them.
EndNote Manuscript Matcher:
EndNote Manuscript Matcher requires registration through Web of Science or EndNote register login using the ECU email to give the right journal match for the keywords, title and abstract. Along with the appropriate journal, it also gives the journal impact factor and also related articles.
IEEE Publication Recommender:
It searches 170 + periodicals and 1500 + conferences to compare critical points such as impact factor and submission to publication time for the best match for the scholarly research paper.
JANE- Journal/Author Name Estimator (PubMed):
JANE tags journals that are currently indexed in MEDLINE and also open access journals approved by DOAJ or Directory of Open Access Journals. It also relies on the data in PubMed to identify high-quality journals from the predatory journals as PubMed contains both kinds of journals in its data.

Journal Guide:
It searchers journal names, category, and publisher using the title and abstract to discover journals that have already been published on similar topics. Researchers can identify the journals that are most likely to be interested in their research by matching the journals to the research paper content.
Publish or Flourish OA:
To find high-quality and high-value open across journals Publish or Flourish Open Access tool is idle.
SJ Finder:
This journal finder using powerful search features based on the subject discovers journals within the field of study from 30,000 accredited journals
Springer Journal Suggester:
It uses semantic technology to identify the right journal for the research paper from 2,600 Springer publications and BioMed Central journals
Think. Check. Submit:
It is a simple checklist for the researchers to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.
It shows the categories assigned to a journal according to the Wiley subject taxonomy. It also opens ways to develop a categorization tool for it to select the best-matched articles’ subject in the Wile suite of publications.
The above journal finder tools will help researchers to find the right journal for their hard-worked scholarly research papers to be published.
publishers | Journal finder | Journal selection | Editing service |Journal impact factor