
There is a wide range of intellectual work written about health research, which has been shaped by the evolution of diseases. The scope of public health history is dynamic and has been shaped by the evolution of diseases. In the last decades, health research has moved from the study of sanitary reforms and the control of infectious diseases, to the study of the impact of epidemic and contagious diseases, and to the inclusion of social action initiatives taken in response of epidemic disasters.

Public health

Public health refers to the activities to prevent diseases, promote health, and prolong life for the whole popula- tion . Therefore, the main objective of public health   is assuring conditions for the people in order to be healthy. It is at the core of health research and conse- quently there are many journals devoted to increase knowledge and raise awareness on this topic

Most influential journals in Public Health Research

R Journal name TC TP H TC/TP Year Volume IF IF5 T50 T200 T200* GR First year
1 American Journal of Public Health 302196 9203 198 32,84 1991 81 4,229 4,997 15 9 1 3     1911
2 Social Science & Medicine 281663 9656 163 29,17 1990 31 2,558 3,568 17 14 0 4 1967
3 Bulletin of The World Health Organization 80812 2597 110 31,12 1990 68 5,112 6,372 8 7 14 22 1948
4 BMC Public Health 60880 7434 64 8,19 2001 1 2,321 2,781 0 0 0 31 2001
5 Public Health Nutrition 46882 2988 84 15,69 1999 2 2,483 2,798 1 1 0 41 1998
6 Drug Safety 46562 2005 87 23,22 1990 5 2,620 3,424 0 0 0 42 1986
7 Annual Review of Public Health 39592 595 104 66,54 1991 12 6,627 7,984 4 4 1 51 1980
8 Public Health Reports 34617 2064 67 13,29 1990 105 1,644 1,791 1 1 2 61 2001
9 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22531 2219 54 10,15 1996 20 1,897 1,835 0 0 0 82 1977
10 Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique 20835 2515 44 8,28 1990 81 1,094 1,325 1 1 0 88 1997
11 European Journal of Public Health 20399 1851 51 11,02 1997 7 2,459 2,743 0 0 0 91 1991
12 Public Health 20393 2488 48 8,2 1990 104 1,475 1,514 0 0 0 92 1888
13 Revista de Saude Publica 18366 2810 41 6,54 1990 24 1,219 1,587 0 0 0 97 1967
14 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 17440 1568 50 11,12 1999 27 3,125 2,570 0 0 0 103 1973
15 Journal of American College Health 15664 1011 57 15,49 1994 43 1,397 2,223 2 1 0 109 1978
16 Journal of Safety Research 13917 1070 47 13,01 1990 21 1,303 1,940 0 0 0 116 1982
17 Public Health Nursing 11167 1373 37 8,13 1990 7 0,886 1,131 0 0 0 137 1984
18 Maternal and Child Health Journal 9992 1434 36 6,97 2004 8 2,015 2,318 0 0 0 143 1997
19 Salud Publica de Mexico 8805 2008 30 4,38 1993 35 1,034 1,221 0 0 0 154 1997
20 Ethnicity & Disease 7952 1285 32 6,19 2004 14 0,921 1,233 0 0 0 160 2003


Epidemiology is a basic science of public health. It stud- ies the distributions and determinants of health  prob-  lems in different groups of people. Epidemiological information analysis is used to plan and evaluate strategies to control or prevent diseases.

R Journal name TC TP H TC/TP Year Volume IF IF5 T50 T200 T200* GR First year
1 American Journal of Epidemiology 357243 8162 211 43,77 1990 131 4,975 6,067 11 8 49 1 1921
2 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 207614 6073 147 34,19 1991 1 4,324 4,647 2 1 0 5 1991
3 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 168450 4502 167 37,42 1990 43 5,478 5,898 17 16 2 7 1955
4 Statistics in Medicine 148692 6505 140 22,86 1990 9 2,037 2,828 0 0 6 10 1982
5 International Journal of Epidemiology 140691 4335 134 32,45 1990 19 9,197 8,000 3 0 3 11 1972
6 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 99343 3939 117 25,22 1990 44 3,294 3,667 2 2 3 15 1947
7 Epidemiology 93837 3124 126 30,04 1991 2 6,178 6,894 1 1 0 16 1990
8 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 86969 4588 100 18,96 1990 11 3,938 4,423 5 3 0 18 1980
9 Cancer Causes & Control 83834 3003 112 27,92 1990 1 2,961 3,434 1 1 0 21 1990
10 Epidemiology and Infection 73121 4117 85 17,76 1990 104 2,491 2,671 0 0 0 25 1901
11 European Journal of Epidemiology 46372 2896 71 16,01 1990 6 5,147 4,245 1 1 0 43 1985
12 Annals of Epidemiology 43089 2002 83 21,52 1996 6 2,145 2,895 0 0 0 48 1990
13 Genetic Epidemiology 38300 2040 77 18,77 1990 7 2,951 3,489 1 1 1 54 1984
14 Epidemiologic Reviews 34630 456 93 75,94 1990 12 7,333 12,344 4 3 5 60 1979
15 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 33089 1726 66 19,17 1990 18 1,944 2,491 0 0 0 64 1973
16 Neuroepidemiology 24773 1314 62 18,85 1990 9 2,476 2,863 0 0 0 73 1982
17 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 21249 1228 59 17,3 1994 8 2,811 2,796 0 0 0 84 1987
18 Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 18231 1274 54 14,31 1998 75 1,943 2,517 0 0 0 99 1925

Statistical Methods in Medical Research
11801 490 44 24,08 1999 8 2,957 3,155 2 2 0 131 1992
20 BMC Medical Research Methodology 8936 979 39 9,13 2007 7 2,168 3,024 0 0 0 153 2001

Epidemiology is the most influential category al- though Public Health is the largest one. Focusing on journals, the American Journal of Epidemiology, Envir- onmental Health Perspectives, American Journal of Pub- lic Health, and Social Science & Medicine, have the highest number of citations which shows the largest in- fluence in absolute terms.

Title         SJR H ndex Total Docs. (2018) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. (2018) Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc. (2018)  
1 Clinical Microbiology Reviews 10.389 Q1 245 35 103 7722 2299 100 18.13 220.63
2 Annual Review of Public Health 6.416 Q1 130 30 84 3151 1080 81 10.92 105.03
3 The Lancet Public Health journal 5.493 Q1 17 156 155 2346 608 50 12.16 15.04
4 National health statistics reports journal 5.463 Q1 64 16 33 281 390 33 4.91 17.56
5 Obesity Reviews journal 4.216 Q1 137 138 348 11600 3037 316 8.19 84.06
6 Eurosurveillance journal 3.876 Q1 90 208 794 4993 3991 629 7.37 24.00

Journal Acceptance Rates

Definition: The number of accepted manuscripts for publication compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted in one year.  The exact method of calculation varies depending on the journal.Check the publisher’s website for the journal to see if the acceptance rates are listed.

  • Only a small number of journals list their acceptance rates online.

E-mail the journal’s editor to request the acceptance rates.

  • The name of the editor should be listed on the journal website.
  • In the e-mail include the reason why you are requesting acceptance rates and the years needed.
  • Not all editors will provide this information.

Factors Affecting The Acceptance Rate Depend On The Following-

  • Whether the authors have closely followed the ‘Instructions to Authors’, such as instructions
  • regarding reference style
  • Whether the study has performed a thoughtful, focused, up-to-date review of the literature
  • The nationality of authors
  • Gender of contact author
  • The statistical significance of the results
  • Whether the limitations of the study were taken into account in interpretation of results
  • Whether the authors have chosen reviewers for the article, or the reviewers must be chosen
  • by the editors
  • The study sample size
  • The affiliation of authors
  • Whether the study has an appropriate, rigorous, and comprehensive design
  • The scientific qualifications of authors
  • Whether the manuscript is well-written (i.e., it is clear, straightforward, and easy to follow)
  • Number of previous articles published by the corresponding author in journals indexed in
  • Whether the authors have previously published articles in that journal
  • Whether there was a novel or unique approach for the interpretation of the results
  • Whether the conclusions include practical, useful implications
  • Number of articles from that journal cited by the manuscript


1. Influential journals in health research: a bibliometric study,José M. Merigó and Alicia Núñez; Merigó and Núñez Globalization and Health (2016) 12:46;DOI 10.1186/s12992-016-0186-4

2. Factors Influencing Editors’ Decision on Acceptance or Rejection of Manuscripts: The Authors’ Perspective Behnam Shakiba MD•*, Hojjat Salmasian*, Reza Yousefi-Nooraie MD*,Mersedeh Rohanizadegan; Arch Iranian Med 2008; 11 (3): 257 – 262

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