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November 2, 2018
A novel initiative in journal selection
November 2, 2018Ridding the guess work out of journal selection
In this article, Pubrica experts advise on a tool to choose the right publication.
Researchers often wonder about the type of journal to publish in. So what’s the apt journal to publish their scholarly research? Academic publishing firm, Elsevier makes the task plain and simple thanks to their tool. Part of their toolbox is the journal finder tool. Let’s discuss.
Need for a journal finder tool
The Journal Finder uses the firm’s Fingerprint Engine that creates and creates an index of weighted terms that explain the text and the text can be any research document including funds/grants and summaries of project; a comparision of the fingerprint of your article to rest of the lot and suggestion based on the journal publishers such similar articles.
In addition to institution’s thesauri, Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Agriculture, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities—from some of these disciplines, the tool leverages thesauri to ensure efficiency.
The firm’s tool cross checks the abstract section to more than 300 journals across Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and the Social Sciences and the fingerprint matching system is deployed to ensure a thorough fit. Rejection rates dip and this in turn cuts down work on resubmission.
So how to use it
Journal selection made easy by entering enter the title, abstract—keywords are optional—in the journal finder section; select not more than three research options to filter your search and then click on “find journal”. Option to filter by open-access journals available.
The search shows CiteScore and impact factor and reports the average review speed, acceptance rate, publication speed, and Open Access payment; also possible to filter results by headings. And access info on the journal’s scope, webpage and submission page.
By using noun phrases the tool ensure accuracy for researchers and deploys (NLP Natural Language Processing) technology to analyze the data and preempts bias that arises out of the grade or quality of a journal; best matching algorithm is another handy aspect of the tool.
Process merits
One key reason a paper is rejected is this: unsuitability with the scope of the journal despite being top-notch research work. Rejection rates are high when research papers meet their match of apt journals. The system matches research papers to journals thereby increasing the probability of selection. Displaying journals that publish similar papers makes the task easier, saves time, and rids guess work when it comes to ascertaining the apt journal; however, this is restricted to the firm’s matches.
Pubrica is a leading academic and scientific publishing firm. Take to experts to write, review, submit, and publish your research work. Let us know you think. Have you looked at journal finder previously? Share your pointers in the comments below!
With numerous journals in the market, the process of selecting a journal can be baffling but Elsevier’s Journal Finder puts you at ease.