
Pubrica’s Open Access Finder (POAF)

The Pubrica Open Access Journal Finder assists you to find quality open access journals that are scrutinized in advance to shield you from counterfeit publishers. This free journal search tools solves common problems with predatory journals, journal credibility, and article processing charges by using a validated journal index. Pubrica’s algorithms sort out journals that are the best fit for your manuscript and research goals, thereby enhancing your chances of publication.


  • Consists of international high impact factor (IF) journals.
  • Consists of peer-reviewed publications.
  • Are keyword-enabled to track down manuscript’s subject area

Publishers across

121+ countries

Comparison across

2.5 million+ papers

Search across

10,500+ journals

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A novel initiative in journal selection
November 2, 2018
Make an Impact with your Scientific Illustrations
November 2, 2018
A novel initiative in journal selection
November 2, 2018
Make an Impact with your Scientific Illustrations
November 2, 2018