September 7, 2019
Enhancing pediatric clinical trial feasibility through the use of Bayesian statistics.
In pediatric clinical trials, there are usually difficulties including a small number of patients and researchers, inclusion/exclusion criteria to further decrease the number of patients and […]
October 23, 2019
Role of Biostatistics and Responsibilities of Biostatisticians in Clinical Medical Research
Role of Biostatistics and Responsibilities of Biostatisticians in Clinical Medical Research “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” — Daniel […]
December 27, 2019
Writing An Introduction Of A Systematic Review Of Literature – A Quick Reference Table
Systematic reviews are performed for synthesizing the evidence of multiple scientific investigations to answer a specific research question in a manner that is reproducible and transparent […]
February 5, 2020
Metasem: An R Package For Meta-Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling
In Brief SEM are used meta-analytical model formulated for conducting Meta-analysis which is used to analyse structural relationships. SEM can be univariate, multivariate, and three-level meta-analysis […]