Guidelines for Reporting a Biomedical Literature Review in a Manuscript
August 27, 2020
The Role of Experts in Crafting Effective Public Health Grant Proposals
September 1, 2020Checklist for Improving Quality in Biomedical Research Writing for Phds
Scientific Writing is fundamental for success as a doctoral student; still, many students entering research feels unable to express themselves well in Writing and poor Writing may carryover of their research weakness. To be successful, the required communication is short sentences, and there should be no unnecessary words while starting a paragraph, the topic should be persuasive, simplify wherever possible. There are some conventional methods to publish good quality of research paper like IMRaD formant I- Introduction, M-Methodology, R-Result and D-Discussion this is the format that is often used for research paper publication.
- Biomedical research is fundamental to the evolution of medical therapies. The outstanding changeover from basic research to clinical trials is required in biomedical research.
- The author should have bright ideas about what is required to write an excellent biomedical paper, and so they plan and implement a research project with the need for publication in senses.
- Increased quality writing of biomedical research paper is not an easy work for doctorate students, and Pubrica has experts to focus on biomedical research providing a high quality of Writing and helps to publish in international journals also.
Checklist for increased quality in a biomedical research article
S.No | Section | Requirement |
1 | Title | Pick a topic that suits the research specifications and get to know about the topic better by doing some fundamental background reading. |
2 | Abstract & Keywords | For Original Research Articles, Brief Reports, and Review Articles, a structured abstract of 275 words or fewer with Key Words is included before the body of the manuscript and is headed by the title. Note that original research and reviews have different formats for their abstracts. |
3 | Introduction | Read your biomedical research paper carefully to make sure you figure out the question and all the conditions and then formulate a research question. Finally, the answer will become your thesis statement. First searching the biomedical research sources, quality of the research source, read and explain the basis that you have gathered and finally fill the gaps by adding additional citations. |
4 | Methodology | There are several aspects while choosing a journal. Unlikely the requirements for our publication will not be available in a single paper so that we have to understand. However, there is one fundamental feature you should not compromise on the essential paper element on research articles. Use your research to support your argument. |
5 | Results & Discussion | Present the results of the paper, in a rational order, using tables and graphs as mandatory. Analyse the results and show how they help to answer the research questions posed in the introduction. Data does not explain itself; the products must be presented and then explained. |
6 | Conclusion | Maintain the significance of the findings, analysing how the work is essential and providing the critical message the author wishes to transmit. Provide the most normal claims that can be supported by the information. Provide a prospect perspective on the work. |
7 | Future scopes | Many different adaptations, tests, and experiments have been left for the future due to lack of time. Future work concerns more in-depth analysis of particular mechanisms, new proposals to try different methods, or only curiosity. |
8 | References | Arrange the cover page, page numbers, running head, etc., Collect a reference list, Arrangement in-text citations. |
Determine the author
When planning a biomedical research project, confirm preparing an initial list and order of authors. Such a list of journals should be based on stable guidelines and should makean exact estimated contribution of each individual to the project. We recommend that every research paper publication create and make known to its representative principle for authorship on papers procedure from the work to be regulated. A list of authors will assure that all individuals to be associated in the project, learn at the beginning whether or not they can expect to be an author and, if so, what their improvement is to be. It should be explored as a tentative list, as the ultimate version should reflect actual development to work.
Writing, reversing, and editing
Complete a rough draft, Update to improve the content of your paper proofread for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, verb tense etc. Check that all citation and paraphrases are cited correctly to avoid plagiarism, Read the paper out loud to ensure that it flows smoothly.
The journal paper publication selection
There are several aspects while choosing a journal. Unlikely the requirements for our publication will not be available in a single paper so that we have to understand. However, there is one fundamental feature you should not compromise on the essential paper element on research articles.
As a biomedical research experiment, no matter how spectacular the results are not complete until the results are published.In summary, the primary purpose of writing a useful research article in biomedical research is to afford a sequential on published articles to evaluate andanalysethe body of the proposed study. Biomedical research allows to study medicine issues and problems using different techniques, and it is essential to define the literature gap and need for the present study. To lessor your pressure and produce quality literature review section, our experts will support you during this process in biomedical research article writing without any mistakes.
- Landis, S. C., Amara, S. G., Asadullah, K., Austin, C. P., Blumenstein, R., Bradley, E. W., … & Finkelstein, R. (2012)..
- Bohmer, A. B., Wappler, F., Tinschmann, T., Kindermann, P., Rixen, D., Bellendir, M., … &Gerbershagen, M. U. (2012). ActaanaesthesiologicaScandinavica, 56(3), 332-338.
- Downey, T., Mort, P., & Collinson, I. (2009The Learning Centre.
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2009). Twelve common errors: An editing checklist. Retrieved from http://writing.wisc.edu/ Handbook/CommonErrors.html