Essential ICMJE Facts for Medical Journal Editors
- The ICMJE is a small set of general medical journal editors who meet once a year to discuss the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. The ICMJE enhance competitiveness on this paper as well as agenda item suggestions.

- Journals should include the clinical trial recording number after the abstract, according to the ICMJE. When a registration number is available, the ICMJE also advises that writers provide it the first time they use a trial contraction to refer to the study they’re describing or additional trials they reference in the article. Authors should specify the unique; permanent data set identifier, repository name and number after the abstract if the data have been published in a public repository and utilized in a secondary study.
- Pubrica meets summit standards and protocols of journal publishing ethics in every single phase of services and processes. The ICMJE urges writers to publish their Open Researcher and Contributor Identification numbers (ORCID). Although some publications do not post them, each author’s highest academic degrees should be provided. The department(s), institution(s), or organization(s) to which the work should be credited should be stated. Although most electronic submission systems demand authors supply complete contact information, including land mail and e-mail addresses, the title page should include the relevant authors’ phone and fax numbers and their e-mail addresses.
- Each author’s disclosure information must be included in the paper. Each magazine should establish criteria for the structure of the material and where it will be published. The ICMJE has created a standard Disclosure Form for member journals to utilize, encouraging other journals to do the same.
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Updated October 2005 (www. icmje. org).” Indian Journal of Pharmacology 38.2 (2006): 149.