Mean and Mean difference are the two key statistical measures used in the statistical analysis. Both are essential for meta-analysis as well. Mean and Mean difference are used for the interpretation of a large set of values into a single number which explains the heterogeneity and variation among the individual values. However, one of a common challenge in meta-analysis is the unavailability of this data (mean and standard deviation).

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Meta Analysis

Q: How can SD for the change score be estimated when baseline and post-intervention values are provided?

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Obtaining the Standard Deviation for change scores need correlation formula. But the change score mean can be estimated as the difference between baseline means and post-intervention. But Find research studies with the same outcome and intervention measurements.

  1. Assure the Standard Deviation and mean of post-intervention, baseline, and change scores are available in the study
  2. Calculate the correlation coefficient for both comparison groups and experimental group (Formulas 17 and 18).
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  1. Calculate the total correlation coefficient by calculating average correlation coefficients for control and intervention group.
  2. Estimate the Standard Deviation of change score from post-intervention and baseline Standard Deviation values along with correlation co-efficient (Formula 19).


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